What are contactless booths?
Contactless booths allow our clients and their guests to utilize all of the features of our unique
and interactive photo booths without having to come in direct contact with any surface of the
booth itself. This new innovation is not found with just any booth company, and allows our
clients to still showcase photo booths at their events in the safest way possible!
How do they work?
Our photo booth software will generate a QR code on the screen as you and your guests
approach the booth for your session. Simply take your smartphone, hover over the QR code
with your camera open, and your phone will automatically open the command center. From
here you can start the booth, enter your phone number for digital uploads from your session,
and event choose how many printed copies you would like!
Does this work for all popular booths?
Not all companies have access to this technologies as these touchless features are only found
with the top photo booth software creators. Here at Cut Above, we only utilize the best of the
best, so all of our booths will utilize a form of touchless access to operate our photo booths
safely and effectively.
What are other precautions cut above is taking to provide safety at events?
Here at Cut Above Photo Booth, we are scaling back the physical prop options we have to
only include signs and nothing that you and your guests will actually put on. All props will be
sanitized by our team in between sessions to ensure that each guest is utilizing a clean and
safe prop per session. Our teams who arrive onsite will be practicing social distancing and
utilizing proper PPE wear such as masks and gloves (when sanitizing the props). Here at
Cut Above, you and your guests safety is priority number one as we are taking every
precaution necessary to still bring all of the fun we can to an event while remaining
responsible and following all of the necessary safety guidelines.